Due to stay-at-home orders and social distancing measures enforced because of the global coronavirus pandemic, millions of us cannot visit our places of worship to attend religious gatherings and services. Perhaps one of the more positive outcomes of this unfortunate crisis is that spending so many hours at home allows us the opportunity to study and learn more about our faith. Reading sermon classics and articles is one of the best ways to do that.

1.      “The Expulsive Power of a New Affection” by Thomas Chalmers.

2.      “A Day of Sober Rejoicing” by Francis Schaeffer.

3.      “What Did the Cross Achieve? The Logic of Penal Substitution” by J.I. Packer.

4.      “Imitating the Incarnation” by B.B. Warfield.

5.      Adolphe Monod’s Farewell to His Friends and to His Church by Adolphe Monod.

6.      “The Martyrdom of Polycarp.”

7.      “Homily 21, On Ephesians 6:1-4” by John Chrysostom.

8.      “The Most High, A Prayer-Hearing God” by Jonathan Edwards.

9.      “The Good Fight of Faith” by J. Gresham Machen.

10.  “A Divine Supernatural Light” by Jonathan Edwards.

11.  “Two Kinds of Righteousness” by Martin Luther.

1.      “The Biblical doctrine of the Wrath of God” by R.V.G. Tasker.

2.      “Letter to Marcellinus on the Reading of the Psalms” by Athanasius.

3.      “The Scriptural Doctrine of the Love of God” by Geerhardus Vos.

4.      “The Blind Eye and the Deaf Ear” by Charles Spurgeon.

5.      “The Minister’s Fainting Fits” by Charles Spurgeon.

6.      “A Divine and Supernatural Light Immediately Imparted to the Soul” by Jonathan Edwards.

7.      “The Lord’s Work in the Lord’s Way” by Francis A. Schaeffer.

8.      Private Devotions by Lancelot Andrewes.

9.      “Three Kinds of Men” by C.S. Lewis.

10.  “Heaven, a World of Love” by Jonathan Edwards.

11.  Preaching?: Simple Teaching on Simply Preaching by Alec Motyer.

Watch and Listen to TLD Ministry Sermon Classics

Our website offers a wealth of sermon classics on a variety of subjects pertinent to our lives and the times we live in. Our vast collection of sermon classics is available online on video and audio. Our Sharing the Word podcast can be listened to online or offline by downloading and storing them on popular platforms such as Spotify, RadioPublic, Overcast, Google Podcasts, and more.

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