“Yours, O Lord, are the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty; for all that is in the heavens and on the earth is yours; yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and you are exalted as head above all”

All of us enter new chapters in our life—moving to a new home, starting a family, taking on a new job, becoming a parent, the death of someone close to us, and so much more. While some major changes may be welcome, others may not be. At times, we may wonder what God is up to, why He chose to bring an unexpected change in your life. A change that very well may have gone against your own plans. However, as good Christians, we must understand that God’s plans are what’s best for us, even if we may question the direction they’re taking us in.

In this piece, we’re going to explore what it takes to change one’s view and accept God’s will as supreme. Let’s get into it.

Are You Actively Seeking God’s Will?

One of our most important duties as God’s children is to actively seek God’s will. We must open ourselves to God’s plan and accept that His way is the right way.

So many of us are preoccupied with getting things done our way. We don’t like to follow directions because we believe we’re the best at forging our own path. In taking such an approach, we don’t invest any time and energy into consulting God.

When we stop seeking God’s will for our lives, we find ourselves stuck—trapped in unforgiveness, caught in the past, and fixed as captives of our own mind.

Jesus Sets Us Free

When we stop seeking God’s will, we often find ourselves merely existing. We complete our tasks, maintain our relationships, day in and day out, and find very little meaning or a sense of purpose in our lives. This often leaves us feeling alone. Unfulfilled. Directionless.

The only way to be set free is to surrender to Jesus. By letting Jesus guide us, He opens our eyes to the truth. Scripture is filled to the brim with stories of how people’s plans and their lives changed after meeting Jesus. The trajectories of their lives, their views, and their actions, all of it changed when they let Jesus into their lives.

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If you’re looking to learn more about how to let Jesus into your life and surrender to His will, then tune in to TLDM Evangelistic Media Network.

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