According to the results of a survey conducted recently by Harris Interactive, 45% of American employees feel that they’re either satisfied or extremely satisfied with their jobs. Not an impressive figure, to say the least. To make matters worse, the survey found that only 20% of American workers feel very passionate about their jobs, and 33% feel like they’ve reached a dead-end in their careers.

We are collectively experiencing a loss of purpose and meaning that has led so many of us to view our jobs as nothing more than a daily grind that wastes our God-given potential and talents. Work has become a means of paying the bills and nothing more.

Though many of us Christians may understand what our calling or vocation is, many of us struggle to connect to them in our hearts. In this piece, we’re going to discuss how Christians can connect their Sunday worship with their Monday work in order to gain a sense of purpose and meaning. Take a look.

Understanding Work as an Act of Love

It’s important for Christians to understand that vocation entails serving one’s neighbor with work. Work, however, is seen by most as a means to pursue individual achievements and increase one’s wealth, not as a means to express one’s creative energy that serves community and society at large..

Understanding Work as an Exercise in Competence

Loving and serving your neighbor is best done when you’re competent with your work. Unfortunately, the church seems to have lost this concept. Instead of teaching a carpenter that Christianity demands him to be competent in his craft, the church teaches him that he needs to be present in church on Sundays and not be drunk and disorderly on Mondays.

Approaching work as a means to express and improve competence will help people to not be driven by the desire to succeed alone, but to work for the good of others. To choose a job that may not pay as well, but does the most good by helping more people.

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If you’re looking to learn more about your vocation and obtain meaning and purpose in your work through God, then tune in to TLDM Evangelistic Media Network

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