Jesus was popular among the crowds for his teachings. He was eloquent and knew how to preach God’s Word in parables. Parables helped the lay folk in the crowd relate to his words and understand the message behind the parable.

There are many parables mentioned in the Bible, each of which has a profound message. Here are some important parables, their message, and how they might help you in your life:

The wedding feast

The wedding feast is a popular parable about a king who was preparing a wedding feast for his son. He sent his servants out to bring the important guests he had invited. However, these important guests declined the invitation for various reasons. He even sent out a message letting them know that he had a special feast prepared where he has his oxen and fattened calves slaughtered too. Some guests ignored the invitation, while others mistreated the slaves and killed them.

The king was furious and sent out troops to destroy their city. He then instructed his workers to bring in anyone they found on the street for the feast.

This parable is an important reminder that God might have amazing things planned for you, but your refusal could lead to a missed opportunity. Secondly, this parable is also a good reminder to never exude pride as it could take you down one day, as with the important guests invited to the feast.

The lost sheep

The parable of the lost sheep is about a shepherd tending to his flock. When he brought the flock back from grazing, he noticed that one was missing. He left his entire herd behind and went looking for this one lost sheep. He put in all the effort possible to find this sheep and bring him back home.

This parable is very important in this day and age, particularly since many people are drifting away from their faith. This parable is important for those to remember that God never forgets his people, even those who have drifted away.

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