Spending time with and talking to friends or family help you cope with stress, according to the findings of a study conducted by Carnegie Mellon University. What indeed can be more Christian than helping those close to you cope with challenging circumstances? Is it not our duty to support our friends and family when they are dealing with stressful situations in their lives?

Helping our friends cope with stress is one of the most beautiful ways to celebrate God’s love and become a conduit for His promise to provide rest and respite to those who are traveling through troubled waters.

We’ve prepared this piece with a useful Christian guide to helping your friends cope with stress. Let’s dive right in.

Pay Attention and Listen to Your Friend

So many of us hear others without listening to what they have to say. What makes this worse is that far too many of us never truly realize that we do this. We only look for opportunities to respond because we believe that we know what’s best for them. Suffice to say; this is the completely wrong approach when it comes to helping them cope with stress. The worst possible thing to do is to give them advice when they never ask for it. You are there to listen to them. You are there to be there for them. Offer your advice only when and if they ask for it.

Provide Them the Space to Be Comfortable Around You

To help them feel better and take their mind off what’s stressing them, invite them to do something relaxing and fun. Consider a walk in the park, shopping, or simply watch a TV show or listen to music together.

Offer Your Help

When stressed, your friend’s ability to function as they normally do may be hampered. If it’s possible for you, offer them your help in taking care of some of their responsibilities to ease their burden. Only help them if they ask you to do so, don’t try to it proactively because this may lead to conflict.

If you wish to learn more about how to connect with God and others in a more meaningful way, consider tuning into uplifting Christian radio networks and live preaching podcasts.

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