What can a person do when faced with sudden death of a loved one, the loss of their home, their job, their health? These are traumatic events that can leave one debilitated and grieving whether or not there was any warning. That said, while it may seem impossible to do in the midst of tragedy, it is important to remember the good in things.
We’ve prepared this piece with some of the most important things you should consider remembering when faced with sudden tragedy.
1. Those Who Believe Will See Their Loved Ones Once More
If you’ve lost someone close to you and are grieving, you can take solace in the belief that Christians will meet each other once again. Your separation is only temporary because you will be reunited with your brothers and sisters in Christ.
2. It’s Perfectly Okay to Grieve Material Losses
Losing a home, a car, or some other thing that is important to you can be painful too. While they may be material things, that doesn’t in any way diminish their importance or the role they play in your life. You are allowed to feel sadness, anger, and guilt over their sudden loss. They provided you with memories that you’ll cherish for a lifetime. So, allow yourself to grieve if that is what feels natural to you.
3. There’s No Time Limit on Grief
Moving on from a sudden loss or tragic death is never easy. People around you may support you, and some may continuously tell you to move on, but you need to give yourself the space and the time to feel what you need to feel. Remember that there is no time limit on grief. You cannot tell yourself that you’ll get over it in a few weeks, a few months, a few years, and so on. What you feel will remain, but it will get better. It’s important, when grieving, to draw strength from the Lord, to place your trust in Him. To let Him do what’s best for you when you feel lost and hopeless.
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