Our Blog

How God Communicates with His People

How God Communicates with His People

We all recognize the songs of nature—the rushing mountain streams, cascading waterfalls, crashing ocean waves, falling leaves, songs of birds, moonlit nights, gorgeous sunrises. Few things can compare to the absolute majesty and beauty of nature. And nature’s songs...

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When Faced with Sudden, Painful Loss, Remember These 3 Things

When Faced with Sudden, Painful Loss, Remember These 3 Things

What can a person do when faced with sudden death of a loved one, the loss of their home, their job, their health? These are traumatic events that can leave one debilitated and grieving whether or not there was any warning. That said, while it may seem impossible to...

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Being Drawn into God’s Presence

Being Drawn into God’s Presence

“If any of thine be driven out unto the outmost parts of heaven, from thence will the LORD, thy God, gather thee, and from thence will He fetch thee.” Deuteronomy 30:4. There are so many ways that we’re drawn to God’s presence. Small reminders, every day. Seeing a...

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