Our Blog
Evangelism: How are You Winning the Unsaved?
If you’ve found your vocation as an evangelist and have answered the call to do the Lord’s work, you must do your duty and bring people over to the path of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. But how do you go about doing this in the most effective way possible? Well,...
A Guide to Finding Encouragement in the Lord
Many of us live in, if not a constant state, then a consistent state of discouragement, disappointment, and even abandonment. We feel alone in our failures, in our grief, and in our sorrow. We try many approaches to finding encouragement and lifting our spirits, but...
Helping Your Friends Cope with Stress as Christians
Spending time with and talking to friends or family help you cope with stress, according to the findings of a study conducted by Carnegie Mellon University. What indeed can be more Christian than helping those close to you cope with challenging circumstances? Is it...