As God’s children, so many of us fall prey to false expectations from our own people, from society, and from God Himself. These false expectations run the risk of diminishing our happiness. They diminish our bond with ourselves in the present and our connection to Jesus.

That said, what are the truths that raise our expectations of happiness? Well, we’ve dedicated this piece to exploring just that. Let’s dive right in.

God’s Love for Us is Immeasurable

We are simple creatures. We cannot comprehend something that is not measurable. Our mental images of things, even intangible things, are always restricted by tacit measurements. But God’s love for His Children is immeasurable. His love for us has no end, no beginning, no dimension that can be measured by our minds. How great then can your expectation be of God? His endless love is forever.

God Forgives Us Completely

Is it possible for you to imagine someone who loves you unconditionally, choosing not to forgive you when you are genuinely sorry about wronging them? Humans can be guilty of unforgiveness, but never God. It is easier for us to restore a positive relationship with God than for us to do with any human being.

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9).

God is Present in Us and with Us Constantly

As human beings, our happiness is contingent upon that which we depend on. When we depend on the material riches, we can never truly be happy because they come to an end. God’s presence, however, is eternal. If we depend on God, we shall be happy. How easy then does our dependence on God become when we understand that God is present within us constantly. We are never alone because God is always with us.

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